How to Chose the Right Ramp: A Guide for Individuals with Disabilities or Injuries

Posted Tue, Feb 20, 2024 in Wheelchair Ramps

Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of inclusivity in our society. For individuals with disabilities or injuries, navigating spaces can often present challenges, especially when it comes to traversing stairs or uneven surfaces. Ramps serve as crucial aids in overcoming these obstacles, providing a means for greater independence and mobility. In this blog, we will explore various types of ramps available for rent and/or installation, catering to the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities and injuries.

The experts at GreenLight Mobility can recommend and install the optimal ramp for your individual needs and requirements. We realize every home will have a unique design and every individual will have unique needs. To make a safe and functional difference in your life, the professionals at GreenLight Mobility will consider many factors when making recommendations for the optimal ramp; we consider both human and structural elements:

  • Will someone be propelling independently in a wheelchair on the ramp?
  • Will someone be using a manual wheelchair, power wheelchair, or scooter?
  • Will someone be walking on the ramp with or without a cane or walker?
  • How much rise off the ground is your door?
  • Which direction does your land pitch?
  • Is the surface paved where the ramp is intended to terminate?

Portable Ramps

Portable ramps offer versatility and convenience, particularly for temporary or occasional use. They are lightweight and can be easily transported from one location to another. These ramps come in various materials such as aluminum or rubber and can be folded or rolled for compact storage. Portable ramps are ideal for accessing vehicles, stages, or small elevation changes, making them suitable for individuals who require assistance in navigating different environments.

Modular Ramps

Modular ramps are semi-permanent structures designed to provide accessibility for wheelchair users or individuals with mobility impairments. These ramps consist of interchangeable sections or modules, allowing for customization to fit specific architectural requirements or space constraints. Modular ramps offer durability and stability, making them suitable for both residential and commercial settings. They can be installed with handrails for added safety and support.

Threshold Ramps

Threshold ramps are designed to bridge small gaps or raised doorways, facilitating smooth transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces. These ramps are typically made from rubber,

aluminum, or plastic and are available in various heights to accommodate different thresholds or elevation changes. Threshold ramps are easy to install and remove, making them an excellent solution for individuals with mobility challenges who encounter barriers at entry points.

Wheelchair Ramps

Wheelchair ramps are specifically designed to provide access for individuals using wheelchairs or mobility scooters. These ramps are available in various configurations, including straight, curved, or angled, to accommodate different architectural layouts and space constraints. Wheelchair ramps must adhere to specific guidelines and regulations, such as slope gradient and width requirements, to ensure safety and accessibility standards are met. For ADA compliance:

  • The estimated ramp length should be 20 feet (with a 5 ft. landing, 15 ft. ramp run) for 3 steps.
  • The estimated ramp length should be 27 feet (with a 5 ft. landing, 22 ft. ramp run) for 4 steps.
  • The estimated ramp length should be 35 feet (with a 5 ft. landing, 30 ft. ramp run) for 5 steps.
  • The estimated ramp length should be 47 feet (with two 5 ft. landings, 37 ft. ramp run) for 5 steps.

GreenLight Mobility professionals will ensure you meet ADA requirements and will assist with all aspects of ramp design and installation.

Temporary Ramps

Temporary ramps are designed for short-term use, such as during events, construction projects, or temporary disabilities. These ramps are often made from lightweight materials like aluminum or plastic and can be quickly assembled and disassembled without the need for extensive installation. Temporary ramps provide a cost-effective solution for creating accessible pathways in temporary or changing environments, offering flexibility and convenience for users.

For more information on how to rent or install a ramp, reach out to the professionals at GreenLight Mobility.

Inclusive design is essential for creating environments that are accessible to individuals with disabilities or injuries. Ramps play a vital role in providing equitable access to spaces, enabling greater independence and mobility for those who require assistance. Whether it's a portable ramp for occasional use or a modular ramp for long-term accessibility solutions, the variety of options available for rent cater to diverse needs and preferences. By investing in accessible infrastructures and considering the specific requirements of individuals with disabilities or injuries, we can create more inclusive communities where everyone can thrive.

Tagged indoor stair lifts stairlifts stair lifts

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