How to Prepare for Aging in Place with Home Modifications in Charlotte, NC

Posted Wed, Dec 13, 2023 in Accessibility Wheelchair Ramps

If you or a loved one are faced with aging in place challenges and you are seeking assistance, you are not alone. There are quite a few things to consider, many of them based on existing medical conditions, financial circumstances, personal support structures, and more. Discovering what makes the most sense is where Green Light Mobility comes in. We are here to help you explore all the possibilities of staying in your home for as long as possible, whether it’s the installation of a stair lift, an accessible shower, an adjustable bed or a simple access ramp.

What Exactly Does Aging in Place Mean?

For more than a decade, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has defined “aging in place” as the concept where someone resides in their home safely and comfortably while maintaining independence. The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that the aging in place concept implies maintaining “relative independence” that avoids or postpones more traumatic transitions--such as moving to a nursing home. The goal of aging in place is simply this: to maintain and/or improve the quality of life for seniors who wish to live in the place of their own choosing. Clearly, aging in place poses some challenges, some of those financial and some of those personal. But still we pursue our aging in place options because “there’s no place like home”. In fact, a recent study from AARP found that a whopping 77% of adults 50-years old and older prefer to age in place at home. And many of them fear they won’t be able to. But, there are ways we can help eliminate that fear. Instead of moving into a nursing home, we can help move you closer to aging at home. Let’s face it, most homes were not designed with seniors in mind. So if you need to make some changes, but worry about the cost or worry about choosing the right modifications without sacrificing the look and feel of your home (I don’t want my home to look like a nursing home is a phrase we often hear) by adding ramps, railings and stair lifts, not to worry. You can ease into the transition. Something as simple as removing a small throw rug can make a big impact. Of course, you will eventually want to make the changes that will keep you safe today versus the alternative of moving into a long-term care facility tomorrow.

While it may be intimidating to consider aging in your own home even if it wasn’t originally built for long-term care, the fact is there are many affordable and appealing ways to stay in your home safely and comfortably. Let’s explore some options. Install Ramps Stairs leading to the house may suddenly become a challenge for seniors who have balance and/or lower body strength issues, or for those who find themselves recovering from an illness or injury and require the use of assistive mobility aids.

At Green Light Mobility, we have carpenters and technicians on our staff who are trained in installing ramps to the right specifications. Indoor threshold ramps are also a consideration for those who use wheelchairs, providing smooth transitions from one surface to another, making it safe to navigate throughout the home. Additionally, secure handrails on both sides of any exterior and interior stairs are a must for safely transitioning between levels. Widen Doorways This option is available for those who rely on mobility aids (walker or wheelchair) to move safely from room to room. A FREE home accessibility evaluation from Green Light Mobility can help you determine if this is the best solution for your needs.

Bathroom Modifications

Those opting to age in place should not discount modifications in the bathroom. There are several options to explore, from more robust solutions like replacing the tub with an accessible walk-in shower or walk-in tub to more simple solutions like installing grab bars on both the inside and outside of your tub or shower.

If you aren’t quite ready to replace the tub or shower but still need a solution for entering and exiting the tub/shower safely, consider purchasing a shower chair or a tub transfer bench. The shower chair allows you to remain seated while completing showering tasks. A tub transfer bench straddles the side of the tub, enabling seniors to sit safely on the bench while entering and exiting by lifting one leg at a time over the wall of the bathtub. Also, having a grab bar installed can greatly reduce the chance of falling. Don’t forget to have your Green Light Mobility installer mount grab bars near your toilet as well.

These bathroom alteration suggestions are clear-cut: Prevent slips and falls in the tub. Did you know research shows that falls are the leading cause of both non-fatal and fatal injuries for older people? These numbers can be alarming, but the good news is falls are preventable and contrary to popular opinion, falls are not a natural or inevitable part of aging. With a few lifestyle and environmental changes, you can keep yourself (or your loved one) safe. Kitchen Modifications As seniors age, they may realize their countertops or cabinets are too high, especially for those in wheelchairs.

At Green Light Mobility, we are able to adjust the heights of the surfaces – including your sink - to allow for increased access especially from a seated position. A FREE home accessibility assessment from the professionals at Green Light Mobility may offer peace of mind knowing your loved one(s) can age in place safely and independently for as long as possible. Because let’s face it. aging in place will not automatically keep one safe on its own. In future articles we will go more in depth on fall prevention strategies, but for now you can get started by following these easy fall prevention fixes:

✔︎ Secure loose rugs (or eliminate altogether)
✔︎ Add non-slip strips on your stairs
✔︎ Use non-slip bathmats in the tub or shower
✔︎ Avoid stepping stools and ladders
✔︎ Use adequate lighting, including nightlights in hallways and rooms you frequent
✔︎ Move electrical cords out of pathway
✔︎ Clean up spills immediately
✔︎ Place frequently used items in easy-to-reach places. Lower the shelves around your home, if necessary.
✔︎ Set up furniture so that there are clear paths around it.

**This is the short list.** Green Light Mobility will provide a FREE evaluation of your home to spot hazards and offer more living safely at home strategies for not only the aging population but for anyone faced with degenerating functions, injuries and/or disabilities that limit mobility and independence. Our mission is to make living in your own home a safe option, despite life’s challenges.

Tagged indoor stair lifts bathroom modifications stairlifts stair lifts

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